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Did you know that
by 2021...
Cell Phones
An estimated 6.1 Billion people worldwide will gain access to mobile phones (with Canada over 25 million – that’s 71% penetration) — many of whom will rely on mobile as their sole means of getting online and communicating:
  • In the era of interconnected intelligent objects, it will be important to consider communications as part of a larger ecosystem.
  • Consider the connected products and platforms that people are already using and find ways to make their smart universes better, easier — and smarter.

The world is going mobile-centric... are you ready?

Create a niche channel and experience the difference an app can make to your organization!

EMBA ogo


Connect Internally with your departments, team members and offices on their phones to communicate key programs, updates and messages.

EMBA ogo


Connect Externally with your customers to ensure they get the latest information delivered right to their phones.

Contact us today to FIND OUT MORE!!